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 Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan

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2 participantes


Mensagens : 517
Data de inscrição : 23/01/2008
Idade : 51
Localização : RS

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Empty
MensagemAssunto: Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan   Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Icon_minitimeSeg Jan 25, 2010 8:10 pm

Foi o primeiro Gameday da minha cidade não oficial. Digo, totalmente orquestrado por uma pessoa comum sem ter o suporte de loja, wotc, etc, etc.

Mas foi um dia pra não ser esquecido.

Eu queria que a edição do NPGD fosse daquelas que o pessoal comentasse por um tempão o que rolou e o que não.
A idéia de fazer ele épico partiu de uma encomenda. Um trabalho que pedi para o usuário Drow. Queria que ele me esculpisse uma mini Huge de Baphomet, o deus minotauro da Selvageria e da Ira. Bom com o andamento do trabalho o Drow me disse que ele havia decidido fazer ele Gargantua. No inicio achei q era meio demais, mas confiei no trabalho do rapaz.

Quando recebi a mini eu percebi que tinha confiado na pessoa certa. Ela havia ficado estupemda. E com ela eu tinha em mãos então o que eu tanto queria pra fazer NPGD fantastico.

Pensei em uma aventura desafiadora mas que pudesse ser jogada em uma única tarde. Seria quase que o desfecho de uma campanha. A mesma teria 4 encontros. 2 de combate 1 desafio de pericias e 1 encontro final.

Mas o encontro final eu queria que fosse espetacular. Por isto a idéia foi a seguinte. Cada uma das mesas rolava sua aventura, mas quando chegavam na ultima parte a aventura parava. A partir dai todos os grupos se juntavam em uma unica mesa, em um unico mapa e se preparavam para enfrentar Baphomet!

As fotos abaixo não são do Gameday, são montagens que eu fiz onde mostram melhor os mapas e os encontros. A tarde foi fantastica.

Seguem imagens do NPGD:

1 - Nesta primeira imagem se pode ver o mapa especialmente desenvolvido para esta fase. Os heróis iniciavam o jogo no lado esquerdo do mapa e tinham que adentrar o complexo do Culto da Ira. Um culto selvagem composto por minotauros fanaticos de Baphomet.
Na imagem se encontram os personagens dos jogadores do NPGD, todos de level 22. Um clérigo anão com seu Anjo da Autoridade, um tiefling warlock, um githzerai wizard, um humano barbaro e um eladrin ranger. Seus oponentes nesta fase da aventura foram: 3 minotauros elite, 3 minotauros ancients, 1 minotaur savage, 1 minotaur shaman e 1 Goristro.
As criaturas não apareciam no cenário todos de uma vez, mas reagiam ao mesmo conforme a movimentação e as ações dos personagens tornando o complexo bem vivido.

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Dsc00417v

2 - A próxima imagem mostra a sequencia da aventura. Neste momento os heróis adentravam as camaras do culto da Ira, e se preparavam para enfrentar suas forças principais. Os heróis iniciavam a aventura na laterial inferior do mapa e deveriam avançar em direção a seus objetivos. Da mesma maneira que no encontro anterior os monstros reagiram as ações dos personagens levando os encontros e o combate até eles. Nesta fase da aventura o mesmo grupo de heróis enfrentou: 2 minotauros elites, 2 minotauros ancients, 1 minotaur savage, 1 vrock demon, 1 minotauro Shaman e 1 minotauro Champion of Baphomet.
Após o combate os dois pdms principais da aventura (shaman e champion) escapam dos heróis e tem inicio o próximo encontro; um desafio de pericia dividido em 2 módulos. Na primeira parte os heróis descobrem uma prisão e nela um sacerdote gnoll de Yenughu prisioneiro. Na segunda parte os heróis ganham sua confiança e descobrem a trama por tras da aventura.

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Dsc00418ya

3 - Finalmente no último módulo os heróis iniciam seu combate vs Baphomet. Enviados para um semi-plano de rochas flutuantes os heróis precisam subjugar o deus da Selvageria e da Ira, se quisessem resguardar o mundo de um destino terrivel. O mapa desenvolvido para este encontro tem uso tanto para RPG como para DDM skirmish. Na parte final da aventura os diversos grupos se uniam para enfrentar Baphomet e seus asseclas.

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Dsc00419z

4 - Visão do desafio. Os heróis em primeiro plano se preparando para enfrentar o principe-demonio. Com vários aliados e entes queridos tombados no ´Labirinto sem Fim; semi-plano de Baphomet.
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Dsc00422vs

5 - Momento em que as forças do Lorde da Selvageria debatem com os heróis.
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Dsc00422vs

6 - A imagem abaixo foi montada para ser um comparativo. Na mesma imagem foi posto Icingdeath, o dragão do box: Legend of Drizzt. Lado a Lado com o terrivel principe demonio.

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Dsc00427cn

7 - Uma imagem com uma visão mais superior para mostrar a amplitude de Baphomet.
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Dsc00428n

Sobre o NPGD:
Foi uma tarde insuperavel. Mesmo com a derrota dos heróis foi provavelmente a tarde de jogo mais desafiadora e mais incrivel dos ultimos tempos. Números do jogo. Baphomet sofreu 857 pontos de dano. Baphomet deu 2 criticos consecutivos em um barbaro empreendendo 173 pontos de dano. O combate contra o principe demonio duros 1:47 minutos.

Sobre a escultura:
O usuario drow esta de parabens. Seu trabalho foi espetacular. Todos elogiaram o mesmo e se impressionaram. Houve pelo menos uma parada de meia hora para admirar o trabalho do usuario.

Sobre a aventura:
A aventura foi desenvolvida para 10 personagens de nivel 22 ou 5 de nivel 26.

Sobre os mapas:
Foram 3 mapas. 2 exclusivos para uso em RPG, tamanho A3 30x42cm, e 1 para uso em RPG e DDM Skirmish em Tamanho A2 30x80cm, ele foi dividido em 4 partes de A4 e unido manualmente visto que não temos um serviço de impressão com esta abertura de valores acessiveis.

As ministuras e monstros do evento:
Todas as miniaturas ao evento foram emprestadas por mim e tiveram a seguinte representação:
anão clérigo: dwarf wizard
anjo da autoridade: angel of Valor Leggionaire
tiefling warlock: Legion Devil Leggionaire
eladrin ranger: longstrider ranger
humano barbaro: Exarch of Tyranni
githzerai wizard: githinaky gish

Parentes sequestrados: Fallen Comrade
Minotauro Elite: minotaur thug
Minotauro Ancient: tiefling skeleton
Minotauro Selvagem: Savage Minotaur
Minotauro Shaman: minotaur shaman
Minotauro Campeão de Baphomet: Champion of Baphomet
Goristro: Goristro
Vrock: Vrock
Baphomet: Baphomet
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Mensagens : 517
Data de inscrição : 23/01/2008
Idade : 51
Localização : RS

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan   Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Icon_minitimeQui Fev 04, 2010 4:14 pm

The Efforts of a Lonely Chapter Máster

Brazil have take a lot of setbacks in DDM issues last year. And this year it seems that it will be not different. Even so the community sustain itself. And along all the last year I and a couple of my contryfellows was working hard to mantein the game alive.

Bellow are a couple of the things we have done and acoplish last year.

4º Brazilian Championship of DDM

It occured at July 04 and 05/2009 in São Paulo the greatest tournament of DDM in Brazil. With a drascaly decrese in the numbers of players, the Championship brings only 14 players of its nostalgic number of 60 from prewius editions.

No other place i believe have been hitten so hard than Brazil in DDM game. The great numbers of setbacks, since the anounce of the transiction to 1.0 to 2.0 and the anouncement of the abandon of the game by the Wizards of the Coast, have given to brazilian players motive to go out of the game.

A great number of old player however are still acompanied the game, at distance at last, we can say. A lot of them afraid with what will happen to the game.

Whit the new releases of PHH1 and Dangerous Delves, and with this, the sight of the autority of the DDMGuild finaly reaching its stats among the brazilian people, the players are becaming more confortable.

The 4º Brazilian Championship of DDM are not as great as before in players numbers, but it became very strong in application of information. The tournament occurred at the RPGCon, a newborn convention of RPG with great visibility among players, curious and visitors.

I´ll resume the actions we´ve been made at the tournament, to bring new life to the hobbie in Brazilian lands.

With help of other 2 peoples, who´s nick names in Brazil are know as Blade, and Batistão, myself and they work in different fronts to make real the tournament and the game to all.

The organizing comitee of the RPGCon event, have give us a great surprise. We have presented with a stand of 7x3 m (we do not use inches, so i´m a litle confuse in put the measures by international standarts). The space of the stand was using first to show the miniatures from Wizards of the Coast from its various colections. All this minis was bringing to the event by the players. We have make a showcase when we display the minis to comom apreciation. At second step we have use the space to disclose the game. We have made some small maps to demonstrate fast games. We choose the 100 pts arena format to abord the game.

The newcomers became very pleased with the demonstrate, specialiy since the new DDMinis skirmish game are very close to the 4º edition of DD RPG game. This fact kept a lot of curious and visitors very interested in the game.

Also we have made a litle trade business. Selling some single minis to a lot of ends. The great majority was for RPG use.

The event, has given to the DDMinis game a dinamic view that we never have before. Also our presence was requested in interviews and lectures. Some brazilian podcast about the RPG issue have been made good materials about the skirmish game.

The great mistery was always about the Guild and is legality and liability around the game, specialy with old players. But the event have granted a good space to people take your questions, and I make a good effort in answering it.

With that the event was divided in 2 points to us. Saturday it was more concentrate in give informations and Sunday it became an tournament.

The Sunday tournament was make in 2 stages. The first was an 4 round swiss with top 4. After it, the semi-finals and final was made with the 1x4 place and the 2x3 place, to find the champion.

The games begin at 10:30 am and are finished at 6:30 pm.
Agoth became Bi-champion, and with that take at the first time the Adventurers clan to the top of our brazilian ranks, take down the 3 years of invencibility of the Silver Lords clan.

The classification of the swiss became:

1- Papa – Adventurer
2- Agoth – Adventurer
3- Avatar – Adventurer
4- Decapitador – Ronin
5- X – Adventurer
6- Shivan – Silver Lords
7- Weder – Tiamat
8- Blade - Tiamat
9- Sandman – Silver Lords
10- Steam Golem - Ronin
11- Girdiel – Silver Lords
12- Gasparr - Tiamat
13- Lord - Ronin
14- Zebode - Ronin

Then came the finals and the classification became that with the respective warbands:

1 – Agoth - Adventurer:
Evil, Borderlands,
- Wulfgar (54),
- 2 x Skullcleave Warrior (39/78 ),
- Oni (38 ),
- 3 x Merchant Guard (8/24),
- 2 x Farmer (3/6),
200 pnts, CR 1, 9 acts

2 – Decapitador - Ronin
Evil, Civilization,
- Voracious Ice Devil (149),
- Mercenary General (42),
- 3 x Farmer (3/9),
- Fist of Moradin (0),
200 pnts, CR 4, 6 acts

3 - Avatar - Adventurer
Evil, Borderlands,
- Solamith (58 ),
- Warpriest of Hextor (52),
- Skullcleave Warrior (39),
- Dwarf Artificer (21),
- 3 x Merchant Guard (8/24),
- 2 x Xeph Warrior (3/6),
200 pnts, CR 3, 9 acts

4 - Papa - Adventurer
Evil, Civilization,
- Ogre Mage (44),
- Oni (38 ),
- 2 x Witchknife (33/66),
- Militia Archer (14),
- 2 x Merchant guard (8/16)
- Goblin Runner (4)
- Farmer (3)
200 pts, CR 2, 10 acts

The games was very exited and very competitive. I enjoy the game a lot, and have taken a litle bad luck in pairings. I have to face just 3 bands with Voracious Ice Devil. I have been competente to win the 2 first games, but when i most needed at the finals the dices not help me.

The 4º Brazilian Championship of DDM has ended at Sunday with few players involved in the tournament but with a lot of new players and interest people with na eye on it. We have managed a good view to the game and have get from a lot of old players promises to get back to the game. This last observation is the true winning of the weekend.

Brazil Vassal Tournaments

After been na active player in International League, i have seen the potential of Vassal in keeping the game alive. And with this we have organized 4 majors tournaments in Vassal.


One of them was happen since the beggining of the year. We call it ARENA. In Arena the players challenges its oponent to a duel in any format, and both must duel in it since it have a common agreement about it. The Arena is divided in 2 parts. Two turns of four months each. The player with most winniest and points win one part of the Arena. If the same players wins the two turns he is the greatest winner, if not, he must duel against the other winnier to resolve the year best player.
This year i have win the first part with 22 pts (11 victorys) and Bucha wins the second part with also 22 pts (11 victorys). We have played against and i have win the Arena by points in 3 matches. We have more than 20 players inscribed in the ARENA.
It was an final with na Adventurer vs an Wargod clan at the final, with the Adventurer wining over the gods.

2 – Winter Vassal On-line. And Spring Vassal On-line season
In the exact modes of the matches of the League i have organized 2 tournaments in our winter and spring season. The winter season was the first one of my seasons tournaments and have get 8 players.
Vini from Adventurers clan have won it.
The Spring season have increased the number of player to 12 and Bucha from Wargods have take the prize.

3 – Secret Wars
The final event in vassal was Secret Wars. In this event i have adopted the doublé elimination sistem from VWC, with an interesting ingredient. In any round the players are able to make secret votes from who they think it will win that round. This votes gives some advantages to the players. To the voted one, 10 extra vp, and to the player who have made the vote, if his opponent win the right to sustein in the competition.
At the end of the Tournament the rightfull winnier must play a final game with the player who are helping him.
This tournament was winning by Avatar from Adventurer clan.

The 3 tournaments of Vassal garantee to the 3 best players prizes. Myself been sponsor of it.


New Stats Cards

The brazilian people have made na election of the 40 worst stats minis. And we have reformulate it. This new cards are called DDMbr, and even be non oficial are ever been used.
This new stats are show up in wizards community in its release.

Also we have made some new Epic cards to old one minis. Also they are non-oficial but was very wellcomed by the community. It was givin as prizes in tournaments games. Was relized in setember 2009
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Cardspicos


The last great issue in our lands in the last year are too the first one of the current year. I have asked to a friend of my to made to myself a new mini. For Baphomet, the horned King. Drow from Beberron clan have made this greatest mini. He have used a lot of ilustrations to guide itself in construction the mini and have made a great job.

So at january 23/2010 have occured in Brazil na great event.
An RPG adventure for characters for level 22, and an skirmish challenge. Win Baphomet. With an 500pts stat card, the opponents must make epics warbands and play against it.
Also with its statue card, it was made an Battlemap, called Baphomet Throne. With the Flying Rocks terrain. An difficult terrain only to creatures with burrow and fly special movement. Creatures with this movements, can choose to not fly or to not burrow to avoid it.

Also Baphomet was show to tell the players that it will be the trophy for the 2010 brazilian DDM winner.

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Dsc00419z
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Dsc00422vs
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Dsc00427cn
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Baphometddmcardback
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Baphometddmcardfronts
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Baphometlairma

And with my games in League and in VWC and having one extra member in my life i have found litle time to help more in our case, anyway i really want to share with you my efforts in the last year for DDM world.

Brazil Chapter Master
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Mensagens : 517
Data de inscrição : 23/01/2008
Idade : 51
Localização : RS

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan   Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Icon_minitimeSáb Fev 27, 2010 1:53 pm

Agora meu tempo anda muito curto. então minha dedicação ao jogo e a pintura andam meio devagar, mas achei um tempo pra umas novas peças:

1 - Acredito que ninguém tenha curtido a pobre pintura original do Aboleth, então neste trabalho me dediquei a melhorar a mesma, tornando a criatura mais dark e ao inves de meleca, fazendo água como base.
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Aboleth
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Aboleth1
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Aboleth2

E a ficha do bicho. Fiz ele em cima do Lasher o Aboleth brute.
Aboleth Lasher 69 pts
AC 26 Def 22 Speed 6 Lvl 17 Hp 95
Aboleth – Aquatic – Psionic
+4 def Will – reach 2

B Tentacles: +22 vs AC; 20 Damage and dazed. (30 damage against dazed target)

Special Powers:
Cornering Tentacles: Only when this creature are flanking an enemy. Make an extra B attack. usable on charge.

2 - Meu segundo trabalho foi em cima do elf archer de dungeons of dread. Me inspirei nas minis e pinturas de elfos de Harbinger, infelizmente na foto frontal tinha uma penugem, e fiquei com preguiça de tirar ela de novo qndo eu vi.

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Elfon

Elf Bowfighter 23 pts
AC 20 Def 20 Speed 6 Lvl 7 Hp 45
Elf - Martial

B -.
R Longbow; (sight) + 13 vs AC; 15 Damage

Special Powers:
Bowfighter: This creature ranged attack do not give combat advantage to enemys and are affected by powers that affect B attacks as if it was a B attack.

3 - Bom minha outra imagem foi o farmer. Eu fiz ele na virada do ano e pensei em um modelito a lá papai noel. ou seja um farmer noel.
Worship Villager 4 pts
AC 12 Def 12 Speed 6 Lvl 2 Hp 15
Human – Divine

B Staff: +6 vs AC; 10 Damage

Special Powers:
Blessed: +5 damage while in a warband with a divine champion.

4 - E o último foi uma montagem. Peguei um carrion crawler, um foulspawn grue. Dei novas cores aos dois, cortei a base e fiz do foulspawn um rider pro Carrion. Eu sempre pensei quem montaria esse bicho e pra mim só podia ser um goblin. Por isso o foulspawn e carrion se transformaram em: Goblin Trained Carrion Rider.

Goblin Trained Carrion Rider 39 pts
AC 24 Def 23 Speed 7 Lvl 10 Hp 75
Civilization - Underdark
Goblin - Mounted - Aberrant

B Bite: +16 vs AC; 15 Damage and immobilized.
M Paralyzing Tentacles: +13 vs DEF (Fort); 10 Damage AND Slowed (save ends); if already Slowed, target is instead Immobilized (save
ends); if already Immobilized, target is instead Stunned (save ends).
M Goblin´s Trident: (Immobilized targest only); automatic hit; 20 damage.

Special Powers:
Too Tight; aura 2; enemys gain -2 to saves against immobilized.
Cavalry 5: +5 damage against non-mouted creatures.
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Mensagens : 517
Data de inscrição : 23/01/2008
Idade : 51
Localização : RS

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan   Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Icon_minitimeSáb maio 15, 2010 7:55 pm

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Castelo1a
Castelo em perspectiva com um Dragão Gargantua
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Dragonattack2
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan TorrewNova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Torre2s
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Castelo
Minis Heroscape:
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Heros1
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Heros2
Minis DDM
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Herosddm1
Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Herosddm2
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Mensagens : 517
Data de inscrição : 23/01/2008
Idade : 51
Localização : RS

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan   Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Icon_minitimeSeg maio 31, 2010 2:42 pm

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan TorredevigiaepostoNova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Torredevigiavisaocostas

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Warlordvenocesuporte
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Mensagens : 517
Data de inscrição : 23/01/2008
Idade : 51
Localização : RS

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan   Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Icon_minitimeSeg Jul 05, 2010 4:25 pm

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Dsc01324m
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Mensagens : 1
Data de inscrição : 19/10/2010

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Empty
MensagemAssunto: CONTATO   Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Icon_minitimeTer Out 19, 2010 2:28 pm

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Mensagens : 517
Data de inscrição : 23/01/2008
Idade : 51
Localização : RS

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan   Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Icon_minitimeQui Nov 04, 2010 7:16 am

Olá Snacke1st.

Este forum não é mais usado pela comunidade de ddm. eu fico por aqui de vez enquando apenas pr ver se aparece uma alma perdida.

vc encontrara o usuario drow neste fórum de ddm:

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Mensagens : 517
Data de inscrição : 23/01/2008
Idade : 51
Localização : RS

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan   Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Icon_minitimeQui Nov 04, 2010 7:19 am

Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Gamedaydenovapetrpolisn
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MensagemAssunto: Re: Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan   Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan Icon_minitime

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Nova Petrópolis Gameday 23 de jan
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